Reflections on israel 's war against the palestinians

Chomsky, noam
From the targeting of schools and hospitals, to the indiscriminate use of white phosphorus, israel's conduct in 'operation cast lead' has rattled even some of its most strident this book, noam chomsky and ilan pappé survey the fallout from that devastation, and place the massacre in gaza in the context of israel's long-standing war against the palestinians. gaza in crisis is a rigorous, historically informed and much-needed analysis of the situation and will be welcomed by all those eager for chomsky's insights into yet another political catastrophe.
Disponible sous 3/4 jours
EAN 9780241145067
Collection Hh nfic hb
Date de parution 04/04/2013
Format 18.40 cm x 13.80 cm x 8.40 cm
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11 Place du Vieux Marché
35830 Betton
Horaires d'ouverture

Mardi à Vendredi : 10h-12h30 / 14h-19h

Samedi : 10h-13h / 14h-19h

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