The adventures of tom sawyer

Twain, mark
Taken from the episodes of the whitewashed fence and the ordeal in the cave to the trial of injun joe, this book is redolent of life in the mississippi river towns. it shows that beneath the innocence of childhood lies the inequities of adult reality - base emotions and superstitions, murder and revenge, and more.
Disponible sous 3/4 jours
EAN 9780007420117
Collection Road atlas
Date de parution 01/01/2011
Format 17.80 cm x 11.30 cm x 7.80 cm
Nombre de pages 288
Where to find us?
11 Place du Vieux Marché
35830 Betton

Mardi à Vendredi : 10h-12h30 / 14h-19h

Samedi : 10h-13h / 14h-19h



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